Port-South Alliance

In 2020, South Melbourne Districts Sports Club and Port Melbourne Colts Junior Football Clubs is fielding the following combined age level squads in the league competition:

  • U13s boys

  • U14s boys

  • U15s boys

  • U16s boys

  • U16s girls

While the combined age level squads are co-branded, sharing home games, jumpers and song, both clubs are committed to ensuring the combined culture is inclusive of both clubs.

Team name

Port-South Melbourne

Team jumper

For U13s boys, U14s boys, U15s boys and U16s boys, combined colours of South Melbourne Districts Football Club and Port Melbourne Colts Junior Football Club.  

For U16s girls, playing jumper rotates between clubs based on home games.  As the playing jumper is reversible, when a clash occurs the jumper can be modified and only one jumper is required for matches.

Team song

Cheer cheer the Red, Blue & White
Honour the name by day and by night
Lift that noble banner high
Shake down the thunder from the sky
Whether the odds be great or be small
Port | South will go in and win overall
While our loyal sons are marching onwards to victory

Team cheer

Go Port-South!


Teams play their home matches at the home ground of both clubs based on the player representation of each club in the team, rounded to the nearest whole number.  If 30% of a team has players from Port Melbourne, the team is to play 30% of their home games at Port Melbourne’s home ground.


Generally, the training venue for each age group is reflective of the player representation of each club in the age group, but is dependent on the availability of coaches and grounds in any season.

Team Photos

Players wear the combined team jumper in photos and both club logos are represented on the photo.


Generally, the presentation venue for each age group is reflective of the player representation of each club in the age group, but is dependent on the availability of clubrooms in any season.


Players register with their home club and registrations will be transferred to the combined squad by the registrar of each club.

Team formation

Teams are graded to enable them to be as competitive as possible in their respective division.  Grading may require a player to be moved from their previous team.  If a player is graded to a different team, it’s regarded as an opportunity to experience diversity and improve skills - and they should be encouraged to adapt and enjoy the change.

Team comms

Upon registration, you’ll be registered to weekly e-newsletters from both clubs. Upon team formation, you’ll be invited to register for TeamStuff, which is used to communicate information on the squad, team, club, game and player availability


Port-South Alliance Coordinator - South Melbourne Districts

Port-South Alliance Coordinator - Port Melbourne